Home » Colombia » Bogotá D.C.

Luisiana Farms S.A. C.I.

CO-NIT 800149419 5
Telephone number +57 5207133
Address CL 109 18 C 17 OF 616
City Bogotá, D.C. State Bogotá D.C. Postal Code 11001
Op. Import
Producción especializada de flor de corte bajo cubierta y al aire libre


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Description HS CODE
Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared... 0603


An Corporation, Apex Flower, Apex Flowers, Associated Farms, Associated Farms Inc, Associated Farms Inc., Assomciated Farms, Boca Inc, Calita Farms, Calita Farms Inc, Chioce Farms Corp, Choice Farms, Choice Farms Corp, Choice Farms Corporation, Clavert Wholesle Florist, Contineltal Flowers Inc, Continental Flower, Continental Flowers, Continental Flowers Inc, Continmental Flower, Danisa's Wholesale Fresh Flowers, Inc, Danisas Wholesale Fresh, Danisa´s Wholesale Fresh Flowers, Inc, Delaware Valley, Delaware Walley, Dellaware Valley, Direct Farms Llc, Dreisbach Wholesale Florist Inc, Eauteflor Corp, Emerald Farms Inc, Emnerald Farms Inc, Equiflor Cord, Equiflor Corp, Equiflor Corp., Esprint Inc, Esprint Miami Inc, Esprit Miami, Esprit Miami Inc, Fall River Florist, Floral Broker Inl, Florida Floral Broker Inc, Florida Floral Brokers, Florida Floral Brokers Inc, Florimex Freight Forward, Flower Pack, Flower Pack Inc, Flower Pack Inc., Flower Pak Inc, Flower Pak Inc., Flower Par Inc, Flower Park Inc, Flower Transfer Inc, Flower Transfer Inc., Flowers Inc, Flowers Pack, Flowers Pack Inc, Flowers Pak Inc, Flowers Park Inc, Flowrer Pak Inc, Fresh Cut Flowers, Inc,

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